Anna Harding



Chelsea Flower Show

In 2019, the Department of Botanical Sciences at Reading was running a project called ‘Ornamental plants: Our future invaders?’, and their research and findings were to be displayed at the Chelsea Flower Show. I was a part of the team asked to join the project and help design the display boards and leaflets for the show.

The purpose of the display was to inform the public on invasive plants by explaining how species have become invasive. This is due to people digging these ‘problem plants’ out of their gardens and throwing them away in different places that then get distributed.

Our team was fortunate enough to be invited to attend the event and help out on the display. We were able to interact with the public, see the interactions with the designs and also share our experiences of working on the project to the public. The Show was an overall success with the display winning the Gold Medal Award. The judges particularly commented on our boards, as they thought that they were clear and helpful for the public.

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